
AVISOMNIA tarot deck

Original price was: €45.00.Current price is: €38.25.

Avisomnia (avis somnia, lat. – bird’s dreams) is a tarot deck based on the symbolism of the Rider Waite Smith, interpreted through mystical imagery and botanical elements.

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Avisomnia is the result of my 2 year long tarot journey studying tarot symbolics and imagining ways to depict the imagery of every card in my style. This is the 4th edition. The deck is accompanied with the booklet, telling a story about tarot in general and offering short explanations for every card. The deck and the booklet are placed in rigid cardboard box with Avisomnia imagery on the front.
- number of cards: 78
- card size: 70 x 120 mm
- paper stock: 350 gsm paper, matte varnish

A tarot deck is a set of 78 cards used for divination and self-exploration. It consists of Major and Minor Arcana. Major Arcana are the trump cards numbered from 0 to 21, believed to represent important life events or personality traits. Minor Arcana cards are arranged into 4 suits: pentacles, cups, swords and wands, reflecting relatively mundane features of life. Every suit has its own characteristics: pentacles symbolize material aspects of life and nature, cups stand for emotions and relationships, swords stand for mind and intellect and wands symbolize action, energy and ambition.

The deck with the booklet & the box are shrinkwraped in plastic and packaged carefully in a cardboard box. The deck is shipped as registered mail with tracking number (you'll receive the tracking via email after the shipment is sent).

All payments in the online store are in euro (€). If you have any problems with your order, contact me at or via DM on Instagram.



Avisomnia je rezultat mog dvogodišnjeg proučavanja tarota i osmišljavanja načina kako interpretirati tradicionalnu simboliku u svom stilu. Ovo je 4. izdanje Avisomnia tarot špila. Uz špil karata uključena je i knjižica s objašnjenjima simbolike svake karte pojedinačno, kao i kratki tekst o tarotu općenito. Knjižica i tarot špil dolaze u kartonskoj kutiji s Avisomnia vizualima.
- broj karata: 78
- veličina karata: 70 x 120 mm
- papir: 350 gramski papir, zaštitni premaz za karte

Tarot špil je set od 78 karata koji se tradicionalno koristi za predviđanje budućnosti i introspekciju. Sastoji se od Velike i Male Arkane. Velika Arkana su arhetipi, numerirani od 0 do 21, koji predstavljaju važne životne događaje ili karakterne osobine. Mala Arkana sastoji se od karata u 4 ‘boje’: novčići, pehari, mačevi i štapovi, reflektirajući manje bitne svakodnevne događaje. Svaka ‘boja’ ima i svoje karakteristike: novčići predstavljaju materijalnu sigurnost i povezanost s prirodom, pehari se tradicionalnu vežu uz emocije i međuljudske odnose, mačevi predstavljaju um i intelekt, dok se štapovi vežu uz pokret, energiju i ambiciju.

Špil, knjižica i kutija zaštićeni su plastičnom folijom te pažljivo zapakirani u kartonsku kutiju. Špil se šalje kao preporučena pošiljka s brojem za praćenje koji ćete dobiti putem emaila nakon slanja.

Sva plaćanja u webshopu su u eurima. Ako imate ikakvih problema s Vašom narudžbom, kontaktirajte me putem poruke na Instagramu ili putem emaila:

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